A while ago, this lovely young lady named Sabrina Davis interacted with one of our Facebook posts. When we went to visit his account, we were left speechless. Her profile photo shows her hairless, radiant, with stars in her eyes. The idea came to us to ask Sabrina to collaborate with us and she kindly accepted, with the aim of showing that life does not stop, even with cancer.
In 2020, Sabrina had endometrial cancer leading to a radical hysterectomy. She thought it would all be behind her soon, but in 2021, at the age of 36, she learned that the cancer had returned, that it was now in her liver and blood, and that it was incurable. Yet his zest for life and resilience are impactful. You can get a good idea by browsing our Facebook page , where photos and videos of her are posted. Over the next few weeks, the next few months, Sabrina will tell us about herself, about her daily life, through her personal social networks (Facebook: sabrina.davis.saby and Instagram: sabrina.davis.sabi).
We are beyond blessed to have “found” Sabrina and we are convinced that we will form a great team. Feel free to follow her on social media, ask questions and interact with us or with her.